It's time for
Roooouuuund Two of Spotted errbody! (Did you miss Round One? Click
here to read it.) I hope you're as excited as I am! Seriously though because I spotted some pretty awesome stuff...all which I didn't need. Ugh... The tug and pull of materialism...I think it's even worse when it's cheap. :(
Let's just start with these:
I'm a little frustrated with myself that I walked out without them. I think our master bedroom is too. Dang...I might have to go back first thing tomorrow. There's no filter on this picture so you can see with your own eyes how gorgeous the brass is - not too gold or yellow. They were a little crooked but that's never stopped me from buying anything before. Plus, I think the shelf was a little unlevel, making them look worse. They were also really heavy and I'm sure if I just tinkered around with them a little, maybe tightened the screw below the base, they'd be good as new. They were $9.99 each.
Update: I went back today to get them and got cold feet. :( I messed around with them and got the main pole screwed in tight enough where it was straight but I couldn't figure out how to straighten the top from that piece that adjusts the height and so...I left them. I'm hoping maybe I can do a little research on how to fix them and go back this weekend.
I thought this was a cute twin, bamboo headboard:
It would add a natural element to a room just left as is or would be so fun painted white or a bright coral or mint or cobalt blue or any hue you can think of. Polish it off with some cute pillows from
my shop and bingOO. ;) It was $14.99.
This mirror would've come home with me if it was under $10:
They had it at $14.99 and I thought that was a little high considering it definitely needed a paint job. But in white? Gorgeous. I'll be checking back for it in hopes of a price drop. I'm thinking white paint and hung above our bed horizontally once we get our headboard made? And then after I wrote this I couldn't get it out of my head and was dreaming about how amazing it'd be with some skewers glued around that recessed area like what I did to this mirror?! Definitely going back for that thing. If you beat me to it, I will cut you.
This painting or print, I couldn't tell which, was huge and the colors in it along with the color of the wood frame were so pretty:
It was seriously like three-or-four-feet-wide huge. It'd be perfect over a big sofa or loveseat or even over a bed/headboard.
This frame would make a great fixer-upper:
It had a linen-looking fabric mat atop a second mat over the three picture openings. You can see the quality of the framing in the (sort of blurry...sorry)picture below.
But if you painted the second mat under the fabric one gold, taped off that gold trim on the inside of the frame, and painted the rest of the frame white, it'd be so beautiful. If we weren't pregnant with #4, I would've gotten it to house a picture of each little bean present day.
I loved the mat of this frame:
You could replace the picture, paint the under mat gray or gold, paint the lighter pink mat white and the frame whatever and, once again, so pretty and different.
I didn't have much time to go through clothes this trip since I had all three nuggets with me but the lace from this dress was peeking out at me while I was looking at the frames on the shelf above:
It was such a pretty navy blue and looked to be fitted and if I didn't have a belly in the way, I might've taken it home with me...or at the very least, to a dressing room. It was made with some quality lace over a satiny shell and it wasn't stretchy at all; definitely well-made and probably very expensive for the first owner. It was $6.
These pants were hanging on the end of a rack and I wanted them bad but didn't feel like paying $5 for them:
Our Goodwill has $1 days once a month so I'll be checking back for them then. The picture doesn't do them justice though; bad angle. They were super long (which is perfect for my stilt legs) and the fabric was a linen/cotton blend so nothing pajama-y. The crotch wasn't quite as low as it looks in the picture but they probably would've hit at the hip in height. So cute, pregnant or not. I'm thinking beachy with a white tee and some strappy sandals with some simple gold jewelry...
And, the best find for last, these:

Oh yes, Toilet Tattoos. Need I say more? Every toilet lid that wants to be a toilet lid needs one. Flush away your elasticized carpet covers and grab a few of these puppies. Change them out with the seasons and your house, ahem, your toilets, will be theee talk of the party. My fave was the animal print.