For their birthday last year, the girls got these dresses:
[Click here to read about the scarves and sandals.]
And I love them because they can be sweet, like in the above pic, or they can be sassy with the addition of a jean vest and some boots. Basically they’re just so cute they go with everything.
But, as the girls sprouted, they quickly became too short even though they still fit around. So, since the top part was never really my favorite (the fluffy heart is cute but my style is more on the simple side so eh, to the heart), I refashioned the dresses into a skirt that’ll fit the girls for at least another year.
You did what?!
I did. Here’s how.
The dress is actually a onesie underneath so the first thing I did was turn it inside-out and cut off the bottom part of the onesie as close as I could to where it attached to the skirt and top.

BUT BUT BUT, I realized after I was completely finished and had the dresses on the girls that I should’ve kept this bottom piece on because it served as a slip of sorts. Even though there are several layers of lace on the skirt part, you can still see dark and/or bright undies through it so leaving the bottom of the onesie on and hanging would’ve kept those brights under wraps. Shoot. Here on out, it’ll be white undies only when wearing these little things.
So, next I turned the dress right-side-out and laid it out flat.

Then I cut the dress in two by cutting across the cotton bodice about two inches up from the lace skirt.
Note: because of the thickness of the skirt, it was hard to make sure the dress was completely flat and that the top of the skirt in front and back were right on top of each other. So, I cut the front and back layers separately; cutting around the entire dress about two inches up from the top of the skirt.

Once I had the skirt cut off, I turned it inside out and folded the fabric at the top over, in half. I folded it so that it folded into the inside of the skirt. Then I sewed along the edge to make a pocket to fit an elastic band. I made sure to leave an opening in my stitching into which I fed the elastic through.
I inserted the elastic exactly like I did to make this maxi skirt. (Click that link for a tutorial.)
And then I bribed the girls with something or other and took them outside for a little shoot.

It’s still a little too sweltering down here to have them wear this get-up outside for longer than five minutes but let me just say, I’m really excited for the fall.

And how cute are those tennies? I’ve been searching for some inexpensive ones for the girls for awhile without any luck and stumbled upon these while strolling the shoe aisle at Walmart. They’re only $6! You can’t beat that! They had white ones too and almost got them instead with the idea of painting them to look kinda like these $25 Vans tennies, but I didn’t. Maybe someday. (Psst…you should totally do it!)
These outfits might be my favorite though.
[I tried to get them to put their hands on their hips like all the high school girls these days and this is what I got. Not awkward at all… ;) ]
I found those black and white tops at the same thrift store a year apart. They’re size 4T and I grabbed one last year, saving it for when the girls ‘grew up’ and then couldn’t believe my eyes when I spied the exact same one a couple of weeks ago in the same size! That never happens! The leopard shoes on Seraphia (right) are thrifted (and refashioned) and the ones on Cecilia are these from Old Navy that I found on eBay for $7 a couple of weeks ago. They are as cute and amazing as they look. The scarves I made with leftover fabric from these kimonos.
Oh and did I mention that they’re playtime-friendly? We don’t do clothes you can’t play in because, well, #toddlers