A ‘Rug’ged Outlook

We’re still trying to infuse some much needed color into our white, white kitchen and I knew that one of the biggest steps I could make in that direction would be putting down a rug.  I wanted a runner but, you know me, I didn’t want to spend a bunch of cash on one.  I wanted something with a big geometric pattern but unfortunately, unless I settled for a plain old solid, nothing with a price tag low enough (say under $25) was popping up.  Never fear, pinterest is here (my new mantra?).  I’ve seen dozens and dozens of stenciled and painted rugs before and those rugs usually hailed from IKEA, which we don’t have anywhere close.  Lucky for me, I’ve got a friend named Allyson who does.  She.saved.the.day.  She’s going to school 30 minutes from an IKEA and so I had her swipe up a rug for me and bring it down home last summer.  Well, then the twins were born, I lost a bunch of sleep, I was feeding them allthetime, other projects got in the way, I couldn’t decide what color, yadda, yadda, yadda…  But, last weekend while Anthony was away on a trip to St. Louie, I got my rug on.

First of all, the inspiration.  John and Sherry from Young House Love created the ultimate dollhouse for their little girl, Clara, and this is one of the rooms:kitchrugpattern

When I saw it, the first thing my eyes went to was the “rug”.  I had to replicate the pattern.  So, I did.

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And here’s how:

feb92012 005I used a 3/4 inch thick piece of insulation styrofoam to make a stamp and stamped the design over the entire rug.  You could probably use a thick piece of cardboard or a piece of packing styrofoam as well.

The first thing I did was draw up the design.  I made the outside square one foot by one foot and  guessed at the rest of the design’s measurements.   feb92012 001

Then I traced it onto my foam piece and cut it out using one of our knives (I really, really need to invest in an exacto knife).  I made sure to get a clean cut on the side of the foam that I’d be stamping with.  The other side crumbled a little as the knife cut through but since it wouldn’t be touching the rug, it didn’t matter.
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To give me something to hold onto while I stamped, I glued a wood block to the back of the inside stamp and two folded pieces of cardboard to the outer square. feb92012 008

Enter the rug.  Lucky for me, it’s almost the same size as our dining room table so I had a perfect work surface.feb92012 009

As for the color, I finally decided on this:  feb92012 019
Valspar’s Secluded Garden.  It’s part of their pre-mixed sample selection at Lowe’s this season.

So, starting with the outside square of my design, I brushed a coat of paint onto the foam using a small foam brush.feb92012 010

Then I stamped the very center of the rug, which I measured for and found beforehand.feb92012 011

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I worked my way out and around the entire rug… feb92012 013

until I had a basic lattice design. feb92012 014

Next I grabbed the inside of my design and stamped it inside each square.feb92012 015

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After I was done stamping, I filled in the design by sponging on paint using my foam brush.feb92012 018

I let it dry for 24 hours before I laid it down for fear that if I didn’t I’d be tracking blue paint all over our house…a nice surprise Anthony would’ve loved to come home to, I’m sure.

[Update:  Read about how the rug is holding up here!]

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The cost?
Rug:  $20
Paint: $6 (two sample-sized jars)
Foam:  already had
Foam brush:  already had
Total:  $26

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But wait!  There are two “sides” to every story, including this one.  I’ll let you in on the other side sometime this week.  Until then, I’m linking up with Ana and her infamous Valentine’s Day Cabin Fever Creativity Link-Up and this weeks Martha Mondays.  Go check out the craftiness that’s flowing and have a great weekend!

P.S.  I’m back from the future and linking up with Remodelaholic here!  Check out all the DIY goodness!


  1. wow!! seriously, can't believe you did this. Looks great!

    1. thanks kristin!! it was easier than i thought!

  2. This is so fantastic, and I never would have thought to do it, way to go!!
    You are a constant source or inspiration with your crafts, I love them all. Thanks so much for linking up!!

  3. I have been wanting to do this for awhile! It looks fantastic! YoungHouseLove is one of my fave blogs! I seriously just might do this, all I need is a rug!

  4. Question: Did you just do a valence over your windows? I am wanting to do a roman shade in my kitchen, but I am so scared I might mess it up. The valence looks so good! It is giving off the look that I want. What kind of products did you use?

    1. thanks brooke!! you totally should! if you ever find a plain flat-woven rug anywhere besides Ikea, let me know! as for the valances, all we did was staple some fabric that i hemmed and lined to strips of 1 x 2s and then hung them with "L" hooks...so simple! i wrote about them in this post - http://beaninloveblog.blogspot.com/2011/10/hung-over.html
      let me know if you have anymore questions about them!! :)

  5. What a great idea! I love how it turned out. I'll have to file this away for the next rug we need. :)

  6. Sheena, you seriously continue to amaze me with your projects!!

    1. and you're seriously too sweet! :) i'm loving seeing your projects too - big and small - and am looking forward to seeing what you've got ahead!! p.s. LOVE the leopard print skirt turned skirts! going to have to head to some thrift stores to track one down!!

  7. Sheena, I love this! It really turned out beautifully! I have been wanting to do a similar project since I saw in on Apartment Therapy two years ago. I am just waiting for the right rug to come along... Also, I nominated you for a Liebster Award. http://marytboctor.blogspot.com/2013/02/leibster-award.html

  8. When the paint dried, did the rug end up becoming hard or "crunchy" on the surface? I really like this idea!

    1. it's a little crunchy but not enough to notice when we walk over it with bare feet. you could always add some fabric medium (you can find it at Michaels) to soften it up a little. :) the spray-painted side however is pretty soft.

  9. love it!

    where is your rug from?

  10. This looks so good! What a great idea!

  11. What a great idea Sheena! It looks fantastic in your kitchen.

    I like your blog. I just launched my own blog yesterday! Check it out at anniehearts.com.

    1. Thanks Annie!! Welcome to blogland! I'll definitely be swinging by!!

    2. I liked it your rug so much I tweeted on it: https://twitter.com/annieheartshome
      p.s. (I found you on YHL too!)

  12. Ok, so this is pretty much genius! I can't believe you just saw a cool pattern and went for it! Seriously, outstanding! :D

  13. Love this! Is this rug washable? And if so, did you have to use a special kind of paint?

    1. Hi Beth! The rug is just a cotton, flat-woven rug so washing it shouldn't be a problem (probably air dry only though). I used regular latex paint on the patterned side and multi-purpose spray paint on the striped side. I've used latex paint on clothes for decoration, washed them, and the paint was unaffected and I've gotten spray paint on clothes on accident, washed them, and the paint was unaffected as well. I'll be sure to put up a post about how it handled the wash when I do wash it...which is going to be soon! :)

  14. Over from YHL and wowsa! I would have never thought to do that and it looks awesome. Love that it's two-sided as well! Going over to check out your valance post and hoping you posted what fabric that is. Love it!

    1. Hi Lisa! I replied to your commment over on the valance post with a link to the fabric!

  15. Stopping by via YHL - Love this DIY! Great Job!

  16. Can you tell me what the texture is like after painting it? Beautiful job BTW!

    1. Thanks Katherine! I'm not sure how to describe the texture except to say that the painted areas are a little rougher than the unpainted areas but not "rough" by any means. My twin girls crawl, lay, and roll over it all day without any discomfort if that's saying anything!! :)

  17. This is brilliant! Stopping by from YHL and your newest follower!


  18. I love your rug! I know it is from IKEA but I can't seem to find it in the store. Do you remember the name of it?

    1. Thanks Tara! It's the Erslev rug and I heard through the blogging grapevine that they're not selling it anymore...so bummed!!! Hopefully they'll come out with a similar one soon!

  19. Very amazing work done by you. Really very interesting. One should try it with their old stuff.

  20. Love the pattern! Great job -- now I need a rug to stamp :)

    Thanks for linking up at the Remodelaholic party this weekend (I work there with Cassity) -- I hope you'll join us every weekend, because you have some lovely projects! -Lorene

    1. Thanks so much Lorene!! I am sure going to try! :)
