Sounds exciting, right? Ok, maybe not that exciting but I'll tell you what
is exciting...we finished painting the living room and kitchen ceilings this past weekend! There are two more (tedious) things left to do on the old
to-do list and then...well,
then we just make another to-do list with
more stuff on it like deep clean the couch, hang stuff on the walls, and recover the chairs...but cheer with us because the big stuff is almost DONE!
In honor of the ceilings being painted and finally done (because that was a j.o.b.), let's talk about two things on it that make quite the difference - our new lights and our *new* ceilings registers.
Lights first. When we bought this house, there was a big fan in the middle of the living room.

Not only was it old and ugly (although it did have caning embedded in the blades and
that is making a comeback...), but it hung so low we had to walk around it if we were carrying anything that rose above our own heads (like a child, for instance), lest the thing we were carrying knock into the glass covers on the light bulbs. Within days of closing on the house, Anthony had it down. Unfortunately, that fan was the only light source in the room though so we knew we'd eventually have to put in lights. Well, eventually came a few months ago and we decided on staggering some recessed lights throughout the room. Anthony knows electrical but we have a friend who is an electrician and knows way more than Anthony, so we paid him to come put in some lights for us. We found out from him that, because of the way our joists run in comparison to the beams in the room, we wouldn't be able to put in traditional recessed lights. There was only a moment of that let-down/what-are-we-going-to-do-we-don't-want-bulky-lights-in-here feeling though because our friend showed up with
these LED lights* and we had ourselves a solved problemo. I've never been one to get super excited about can lights but these, they were/are exciting. Not only are they going to last us a very long time (thanks LED) but they're super slim so you can put them in places the bigger can lights can't venture.

Oh, and they have three Kelvin settings - so you can set them to warmer light all the way to cooler light with the flick of a switch. Cool, right? ;) Awesome, I knew I wasn't the only one to get a kick out of these things.
We went back and forth with how many we should install but we ended up going with four lights - two in between the second and fourth spaces between beams - and they are just perfecto. Plus, we had them installed on a dimmer switch so they can be dimmed. It feels so fancy. We also had our friend do the wiring in the attic for us to install two more of the same recessed lights in a smaller size over the peninsula in the kitchen. With the vent hood there, pendants seemed like they'd be too much so these are the perfect solution.
Lights. Check. Onto the vents...which sounds way less exciting but they come with a tutorial so hold onto your horses...