Sandpaper, Nails, and a Mask

Finally!  After living without the oh-so-necessary-these-days internet for a week and getting a run around from our service provider, our web is finally back up and Bean In Love is back in business!  Oh happy Saturday!

As you might know, we've started another project to bring our kitchen out of the dark into the light.  We've already picked out and ordered new countertops so the next step is to get started on re-painting the cabinets.  When we first moved in, we had the great idea to paint the cabinets a chocolate brown using left-over/free paint from our previous house (see here).  Well, it was all great and dandy and looked pretty good when we were done but for some reason the paint remained a little sticky, even to this day.  One cabinet door also had lots of little pieces of roller lint plastered underneath the paint, leftover from the previous owners paint job and it always irked us.  So after we painted our master bath cabinets and fell in love with their look, we decided to carry it into the kitchen as well.  This is the story of how I, during my 16th week of pregnancy with twins, began this somewhat large project while Anthony helped here and there in between work and studying for a masters' exam.  :)

   With our countertops due in on the 17th of this month, I decided to complete the upper cabinets first before they arrived so that I didn't have to worry about accidentally ruining brand new tops with endless piles of paint chips and sawdust and 'oops' drops of primer and paint.  So it began with the upper left side:

For starters, I removed all of the doors and hardware and then removed everything from inside the cabinets.

Starting with the doors (the easy part), I set up a workstation outside and got to sanding, first with a coarse-grit sandpaper and then with a medium-grit until all sides were as smooth as two babies bottoms.  :)

Since I was just going to paint right over them again, I didn't sand all the way down to the wood.  I just sanded enough to make sure that I had a non-sticky, smooth, flat surface to apply primer and paint to. 

To get in the grooves on the edge of the doors and inside the decorative routing on the fronts, I wrapped some sand paper around the thin, rounded end of Anthony's grill brush and went to town.
Then, a probably unnecessary step but just for good measure, I quickly rubbed each door down with a thin layer of Crown Liquid Deglosser NEXT (from Lowe's) to further ensure a good paint stick.

Then, it was on to the cabinet frames where I employed the same sanding process.

Just for kicks, here's a quick, all-around view of other happenings in the kitchen:
Me - prepped, pregnant, and fully protected.  :)

And, the new tablescape I created:
Lovely, innit?

Anyway, back to the cabinets.  After a couple days of sanding, sore arms, and lots of pregnancy bathroom breaks, I was ready to prime.

And that was that.  Except you quick ones might've also noticed one tiny thing missing...
The gaudy scalloped edge above the sink (if you thought "the light bulb", I'll count that too)!  Hooray for 2012 and modern design people! 

How'd I get it down?  Well, after noticing it appeared to be attached with two screws on each side...
...I simply removed them and tried my hardest (without Anthony's knowledge or approval) to bang, pull, and rip it down but to no avail.

It wasn't until my sweet, unknowing husband came home that night that he noticed my apparent deviousness and hesitantly removed it for me - after removing molding from behind and ripping it from six unseen nails from above (no wonder!) - and thereby exposing the ugly baby florescent light we've got goin' on.  But it's okay, we've got plans for that thing and they don't involve keeping it.  Stay tuned!  :)
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Well, I'm off to start painting and eating, painting and eating (and scouting for the mail man who just might have my Gap maternity jeans in his possession).  Have a great weekend everyone! 

Twins: Weeks 14 & 15

Week 14
I was given a BeBand (from Target) by a fellow mom and began using it this week instead of the usual rubber band act to magically turn my pants into maternity wear and I am convinced thus far that it is the greatest maternity invention ever!  I'll have to take a picture this week so show exactly how the thing works but the point of it is, obviously, to hold up your regular pants so you can get away with wearing your own pants during pregnancy.  I'm not sure exactly how long I'll be able to cheat with the band, but my goal is the entire pregnancy, although I did invest in some Gap maternity jeans I scored on sale for $33.   
As for pregnancy woes and cheers this week, I feel like pre-pregnancy with a little hill around the middle and a little sleepiness following me around...a.k.a. pretty darn good!

Week 15
Even though it seems as if things haven't changed much from week 14 to 15, I definitely feel like I'm looking more pregnant and maybe a front shot would show that more.  A stranger (maybe just the one brave enough to guess that I'm pregnant and don't just have a little beer belly) even asked me for the first time when I was due.  :)  I'll have to admit, my first "proud mom" moment came a few seconds later when I piped up and answered "almost 4 months".
On the flip side of side bright and sunshiny, my back and upper abs are starting to feel the stretch.  I ridiculously thought for two seconds this week that one of the twins was maybe kicking, only to realize a few minutes later that it was only my upper left ab spasming as it was pulled to make room for two growing chitlins.  :)

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Side(view) note:  To make things a little easier and just a tad bit more organized...and, well, just because they deserve their own post each week...I'm going to start posting baby belly pics sometime during the week instead of the normal Saturdays starting this coming week.  Stay tuned for regular programming later on today as our internet is now up and running after a week of being MIA!   

No Net

Sorry y'all.  No post this lovely Saturday.  I'm actually typing from friend's house/computer because something is very wrong with our's been MIA for a couple of days and neither of us have had time to call and fix it.  Sooooo...look for a real post sometime this week as soon as we can get the world wide web back up and running.  We've got kitchen progress to tell you all about and the twins have seemingly grown a ton this week - my belly button is getting less and less shallow and it's kind of amusing.  So, until asap, whenever that happens to be, have a great day!

Lazy Saturday Morning


I thought I'd try my luck, and my gag relfex, out this morning and brave the 'ole coffee pot again.  It's the "wonderful" second trimester so why not, right?  I grabbed a mini creamer yesterday at the grocery store just for the occasion and I've come to find, as I sip and type, that it's not too bad!  I'm not gagging and the rest of the world is revolving quite nicely so maybe things are looking up...or going down, whatever floats your boat.  I'm just excited that "I" am feeling somewhat normal again.  :) 

As for the culprits of taking away their mama's normalcy (gladly sacrificed), here they are now at 13.5 weeks:
Pregnant to friends and family,  and "that girl needs an ab workout" to strangers.  I know, I know.  Just wait...

Anyway, I'm sad to admit for the umpteenth weekend in a row that I have no beloved project to show-and-tell.  I could go on and on about how I went to the grocery store yesterday - a  pregnant lady with a starving belly - and picked up a few things we really didn't need...gushers, jalapeno poppers, mini pizzas, trix yogurt...or about how I literally climbed over 40 sleeping teenagers on an overnight tour bus ride last weekend just so I could make it from my little perch in the front to the bathroom in the back to empty my bladder at three in the morn.  Speaking of last weekend, Anthony and I were blessed to help chaperone a 150 teenager trip to Washington D.D. to march for life.  It was so exhilarating to brave the cold and rain (yes Grandma, don't worry, I was warm) to walk to the Supreme Court building in honor of the millions of aborted fetuses and it meant more to me this year, with the two little sprouts in tow, than any other year.  Hopefully all of our voices will be heard and the murder of these innocent babies will come to an end soon.  Pray, pray, pray.
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I hope everyone has a great day and a great week!  Just to make your day a little more interesting:  Anthony notified me this morning that it is the 125th anniversary of the largest snowflake ever observed - 15 inches!  Crazy!  (Disclaimer:  In case you're wondering, he found that fact online.  It's not just one that's permanently logded in his noggin in which case I would think he was a little off his rocker.  Not that if you really did know that you're weird...)  So with that, Happy Snowflake Anniversary!  

P to the S.  If you live under a rock, you'd be well-informed to know that the Superbowl is next Sunday and if you aren't sure who to root for, well, let us tell you:
(Caps courtesy of a lovely marriage between and Photoshop.)


 We ordered new countertops!  Scuzzy laminate, it's time for you to go!  After waiting and researching and waiting and researching, we actually landed ourselves a good deal (surprise, surprise) at Home Depot.  We found and went with a Staron solid surface that's a tid bit darker than the sample shown on the very left in the pic below.  (I returned the sample before taking a pic...shame, shame.)
 Lucky for us, we snatched up a countertop that was on 'Special Buy' - regularly $42/sq. foot on sale for $37/sq. foot.  On top of that, all of Home Depot's countertops were 10% off plus we persuaded them (easily) to give us an extra 5% if we opened their credit card (to match the deal Lowe's swings around these days).  All of those awesome discounts add up to about $300 in savings!  We can't wait until they're done and in!  Should take two to three weeks.  While we were at it, we scored a new sink (because we can't put an old sink over new countertops, right?...think wine skins people...thank you Jesus)  at a fave discount store around here - Dirt Cheap.  It is/was a $400 stainless steel sink but we got it for 70% off because of one little dent that won't even show once it's in because it's around the undermounted part...if that makes sense.

Anyway, you can be sure we'll have a "they're here and in" post for ya in a few weeks.  As for the current bump situation...

Here 'we' are at 12 weeks.
While we were in our doc's office last week, Anthony asked him what his "professional opinion" was on the sexes of the babes.  He informed us that he usually doesn't give his opinion for a few more weeks but did tell us that the "old wives, whoever and wherever they are, would tell you you've got two girls in there based on their quick heart rates."  Anthony proceeded to put his head on doc's desk...

See you next week!