Projects and Ideas


  1. Hey, Cousin!
    I haven't actually visited your blog in a while--I get updates via Feedly, but I'm thinking about going back to blogging, myself, so I wanted to see what yours is looking like lately.
    Well, it's fabulous, of course! But there's so many new things going on! I found your Projects and Ideas, and I thought: Maybe SHE'LL know how to solve this problem I have.... So, I'm asking for your input! I need a new slipcover for our couch/sofa... I do NOT sew. The problem is that I can't find one in my searches online, because they don't seem to make them for the kind of couch that has two reclining seats. (Both ends recline, the middle is stationary.) Makes sense, since most slipcovers are meant to kind of tuck all the way around and over the whole couch; with the two sections popping out at random times, that makes tucking difficult. I probably have to just resign to the idea of eventually replacing the couch, but I'd really prefer to just recover it, if I could. But, again, I do NOT sew. Any thoughts?
    Hope you're doing well--love seeing pix of you all and following your journey! <3 -t

  2. I really enjoyed your blog. I am just beginning a similar journey building our own home and have begun blogging about the process, if infrequently. Would love to hear your thoughts and any advice you have about the blogging process. Check it out at if interested!
