Last Side!

So our hope is that this weekend we can finish painting the last side of our house!  

It's arguably the worst side since it gets the most sun and has faded so much.  We're tackling the trim today and tomorrow the permitting.  We also want to take off that horrid light above the side door.  It reminds me of the lights I grew up with over the feedlot's way out of place.  I loved growing up on the farm but I don't need a souvenir.  (I have you Gramps!)  Our, at least my motivation, has waned since we finished the front of the house.  I still really want to finish it but the rush to get it all done has subsided a little since we have the part that everyone sees done.

So, cheer me on as I paint the door and window trim! 

(I already painted the bottom trim with excess paint awhile ago.  Can you see the difference?)

Stay tuned for after pictures too!

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