Sebastian: One Month Young

[He gets his gangsta from his pops.]

We’re all alive.  I can’t say it’s been a cake walk because then my nose might extend 10 feet out but, it’s been…mmm, interesting and crazy and hard and crazy and crazy.  I smiled and responded to those “You’re gonna have your hands full” people telling me, the pregnant lady pushing the twins in the double-wide, with “It’ll be crazy but we love it”, but I really didn’t know it’d be this crazy.  Camille took the words right out of my brain in her post this morning. 

But anyway, let’s turn the lights on the little man.  He’s charging up the growth scale, weighing 9 lbs. 11 oz. today (50th percentile) and stretching out at 22.75 inches (90th percentile).  He’s still a champ at eating but sleeping?  Eh…okay.  He’ll let me have one four hour stint every night and then it’s all two or three hours between feedings.  (But let me tell you – I am not complaining!  Feeding ONE vs. TWO in the wee hours of the morning is the only cake walk I’m treading right now!)  He’s still in his sleepy newborn phase but isn’t a fan of being put down so mama plays kangaroo with the moby wrap for most of the day.  Blah, blah, blah, I know lots of you know what a newborn is like and for those of you that don’t, I won’t detail his simple life and bore you to death.  The important thing is that he is dang cute and I have my handsome hubs to thank for that.  : )


Happy One Month little Sebastian!  We love you so!


  1. He looks SO MUCH like you!! :)

  2. Oh, good. You're OCD/Type A too?? haha. Thanks for mentioning my post, Sheena. Hang in there!! Our little guy isn't a big fan of being put down either...which is very interesting when I also have an almost 3 year old that still thinks that she is the baby. :D Yayyyyyy!

    1. Oh yes. Trying to take deep breaths and let it go as I type - the girls are tearing apart their pj drawer. So, so happy I have you to commiserate (in the best way of course) with!

  3. :) His adorable-ness is what keeps me hanging for sure!

  4. Oh my gosh he is so cute!!! The last thing I need right now is baby fever. :) Must look away!

  5. He is so adorable! Love the tie idea :) I came across your blog and I love it! So many great diy ideas and cute pictures of your lil ones! Just wanted to stop by and say Hi! Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Sara! Good to see you on Instagram and here! I hope your week is great as well!

  6. Such a cutie!! :) And good boy for sleeping for a four hour stretch! Hopefully he'll only get better for you in that regard. :)

  7. He is so, so cute! Every time I see you on Instagram I say a little prayer for you and yours, 3 under 3 I don't know how you do it! And as a fellow type A with OCD and 2 crazy boys under 3, I hear you (& Camille) and send lots of "letting go" thoughts!! It is so tough but to be present in their lives is worth it!!

  8. He's so super cute. Love his pose in the top picture - looks like he's saying, "Chicka chicka yeeeeaaaa!" (P.S. Just FYI, I'm "you_snap_me" on IG, the one who commented on Sebastian's cloth diaper cover.)

    1. Haha! Yep, pretty sure I heard that slip out! ;)
      I love connecting internet peoples with their Instagram counterparts! Thanks for the FYI!

  9. Very sweet pictures. My fourth baby is 8 months old and mobile. I am missing the days of snuggling. Prayer is what got me through newborn sleep deprivation. :-)

    1. So sweet! I know that he'll grow up and someday I'll miss these days too. I have to remember that. I love that prayer gets you through too. I remember being in the hospital ready to go home with the twins and the song "Be Not Afraid" randomly (or not randomly) came into my head. The last part of the chorus - "and I will give you rest" - really hit me hard and made me realize that God would get me through the sleep deprivation. God is so good! :)

  10. Ah, so sweet!! You're close to the phase where they start mellowing out (at least mine did) between 6-10 weeks. Hopefully that time for you is soon :) he is too precious! Makes me wish I was having another little boy :)

    1. Thank God...I hope that's the case. I mean, I love him being so little and so very dependent but it's hard to give attention to the girls too.
