One Room Challenge–Week 3

It’s Week Tres of the One Room Challenge and gosh, I was hoping to be able to write a post all about how we fixed the drawers of this dresser:IMG_9121(If you need a refresher, there’s a whole post about it and it’s surrounding disappointment here.)

BUT, when I went to Home Depot early this week to buy supplies, I walked out of the store with zero anything because the things I needed to fix the drawers cost more than double what I thought they were going to cost and I’m just not ready to invest that much in this dresser.

HOWEVER, I did go to Lowe’s yesterday and there I found what I needed at the price I wanted and so HOPEFULLY, we can work on the dresser this weekend and I can maybe squeeze in a post about it next week.  *fingers crossed*

Until then, I’ve got to have something to show for the third week so how about a little glimpse at the little gallery wall I hung this week?


The full gallery wall monty will of course be available in the week six reveal.  :)

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To make up for my lack this week, there are two hundred plus bloggers knocking out room makeovers over at the One Room Challenge website.  Go get yer fill.


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